
Monday, July 24, 2006

Home --> Old Fort Factory --> NP

always wanted to do this since poly days.
to walk from my home to school.. haha..
but never got the chance or energy or time to do it until yesterday~
here's the pix along the way~

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view from my window, would be travelling towards the hill ~

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the time is 4pm, and off i went~!

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caught an interesting sight here~
two person flying kite along the canel~
was able to see the high flying kite some distances away~

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along upper wdld rd..

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Yew Tee Flyover~!
im just very fascinated by bridges and flyovers~ haha

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view under the flyover~

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nice plam trees (i think) along the road leading up the flyover~

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further down upp. wdld rd.
an overgrown grass land, looking quite "kampong-style" here~

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saw this nice aspiring motto in a primary school~
"Aim High".. hmmm.. maybe it was telling me something?

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argh~.. reaching my 1st "pit-stop"..

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reached~! time for a breather, water-break~!

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Ten-Mile Junction~
Use to be a "ghost-town" but now no more~!

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Across the road, LRT train passes by~
told you that im in love with bridges.. haha

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Prince Florist~ Quite a well-known shop~!

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a hindu temple next to the florist~
very interesting building~

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opposite is a oddly shaped residental building~ haha~
looks like a bullet or a spaceship~

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two posters promoting the newly openned S'pore Discovery Centre~

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hmmm.. CCK Cashew.. didnt know that area is called that~

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nice view of the church~

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curvy road~ grovvy~

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the antenne looks so much bigger here~

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The Salvation Army Building~

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Arha~! The Rail Mail~!
time for a break~! =x

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Saw a betting outlet, so i went and try my luck~ :(

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An Old bridge for train to pass through~

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another view of the old structure~ haha~

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im so near the antenna.. i think i can feel its signal~ :crazy:

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haha~! i have reached my initially intended destination~
as i didnt walk for long distances for quite some time, so i set this as my stoppage point just incase i couldnt get back home~ haha~

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this use to be a Fort Factory back in the old days~
now its a museum ~ i would visit this soon, if i got the time~ hehe~
admission is free~!

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i looked at the time~
arh~ its only 5.30pm~ still got time, and since im already here and feeling ok, why not go on further~ haha~

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so i continued~ walking toward the final destination~! NP~!!

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interesting sign..
"enter at you own risk" hmm.. wonder whats in there..

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Banyan Tree Showroom~!

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Bukit Timah Shopping Centre~!
haha.. the pink is killing me.. X_X

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=X yet another pix of a flyover.. haha..

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haha~ this was the area for a busstop, but they tear it down for some road works~
those studying NP last time would remember waiting for buses here~! haha~!

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Great Bridge, good for shether from the sun and rain~!

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Cool Flyover~!!! :love:

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KAP!!! wahahaha~!!

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i have reached~!
4 years, and i have finally fulfilled it~ .. to walk from home to NP.. haha..
there was a big big NP logo here last time.. but now its gone.. sob..

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another view of the empty patch.. sob T_T

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time now is 6.06pm! took ard 2 hours~!
feeling great now~! =D

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somemore pix of NP, or at least the road leading to the back door of NP~! haha~

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Going home~! Trip Success~! Yeah~!

Here's the map of the route that i have covered~! :D
the 3 stars rep my house, old fort factory and NP~ hehe~
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